About Us

The Metropolitan Abundance Project (MAP) focuses on revitalizing communities across the US through an ambitious urban abundance agenda.

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Cities have long served as engines for prosperity, innovation, culture, and economic mobility.

But exclusionary policies and political stagnation are preventing many U.S. cities from reaching their potential. These policies manifest as crushing shortages of housing, insufficient and inefficient transportation systems, dysfunctional local governance – and the concomitant impacts on human health and well-being.

MAP provides a proven policy framework and works with leaders at the state and local levels to reverse this trajectory. Our thesis: “Abundant cities’ are the future.


Our Staff

The Metropolitan Abundance Project was born at California YIMBY and is expanding nationwide. 

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Sarah Anzia
Academic Advisory Committee
Alain Bertaud
Academic Advisory Committee
Francis Fukuyama
Academic Advisory Committee
Stan Oklobdzija
Academic Advisory Committee
Alexander Sahn
Academic Advisory Committee
Anika Singh Lemar
Academic Advisory Committee
Jessica Trounstine
Academic Advisory Committee

The Metropolitan Abundance Project was born at California YIMBY and is expanding nationwide. 

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Press Contact Details View all Press Releases

Press Contact Details

Press Contact
Our Office

California YIMBY

1121 L Street Suite 210

Sacramento, CA 95814

Our Latest Press Release
General Enquiries

If you have questions or want to learn more, please fill in the form or send us an email at:


Metropolitan Abundance Project
123 Redwood Way
CA 7566
Thank you We will contact you as soon as possible.
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